Cultural Relationships for Responsive Pedagogy video kete

Video 3: Deliberate acts of teaching

  • Key Content

    In this clip the teacher shares how she has developed culturally responsive and relational practices to challenge and extend her Māori learners. The students talk about how it feels to learn through culturally inclusive contexts and how this has improved both their engagement in learning and their competencies in writing:

    • culturally responsive and relational pedagogy
    • Māori enjoying and achieving educational success as Māori
    • activating learning.
  • Things to Think About

    Conversation framework for those new to Kia Eke Panuku:

    1. Consider the Culturally responsive and relational pedagogy brochure. Discuss any connections you see between the pedagogy and this teacher’s practice
    2. The students express the impact of this practice on their learning. Discuss how this pedagogy has affirmed their identity as Māori and as learners.
    3. Consider the implications for your own practice as an educator.

    Conversation Framework for Kia Eke Panuku schools:

    1. Discuss the connections you see between culturally responsive and relational pedagogy and this teacher’s practice.
    2. The teacher talks about learners being “in the zone”. How the teacher and students create and work within this “zone”?
    3. This teacher has made a concerted effort to disrupt deficit views of Māori and the students express the impact of this practice on their learning. Discuss how this pedagogy has affirmed their identity as Māori and as learners. As an educator of Māori learners, consider the implications for your own practice.

    Conversation Framework for Kia Eke Panuku Strategic Change Leadership teams

    1. Consider the Ako: Critical contexts for learning resource. Discuss the connections between the three elements and the simultaneous success trajectories, outlined in this resource, and this teacher’s practice.
    2. Discuss the connections can you make between the key ideas in this clip and the Kia Eke Panuku dimensions/levers for change?.
    3. What opportunities, questions and challenge does this raise for you as a SCLT?