Video 4: A way of being

  • Key Content

    Teachers reflect on their own and students’ experiences of learning within a cross curricular inquiry project themed around ‘Think Global, Act Local’. In implementing the inquiry, teachers existing ideas about power relationships were challenged.

  • Things to Think About

    Conversation framework for those new to Kia Eke Panuku:

    1. Discuss what these teachers and school leaders learned about their own praxis through the experience of sharing power with learners?
    2. From the perspective of these teachers / leaders what were the benefits for students?
    3. What connections do you make between what these teachers are saying and your own practice?

    Conversation Framework for Kia Eke Panuku schools

    1. The teachers talk about how some of their beliefs and established practices were challenged. Discuss your response to the teachers’ reflections.
    2. How do the ideas in this video link to / expand your thinking about culturally responsive and relational contexts for learning?
    3. Thinking about these ideas, who might you talk with in your own department / faculty / school community about sharing power to include ‘expertise beyond the classroom’ to support learning? Consider the Educationally Powerful Connections with Māori brochure,

    Conversation Framework for Strategic Change Leadership teams:

    1. Discuss your response to the teachers’ reflections. What are the implications for you as strategic change leaders supporting teachers to develop culturally responsive and relational praxis?
    2. How do the ideas in this video link to / expand your thinking about ako contexts for learning (unlearning / relearning)? What might be the implications in your own context?
    3. What questions would you pose if you were talking with these teachers to deepen understanding and build from their current theorising? Consider the Activating Critical Theories Voices document. .