Educationally Powerful Connections video kete

Learning Pathways

  • Key Content

    Opening up horizons for their students, staff at William Colenso College go the extra miles to expose Year 10-13 students to a range of tertiary options. This includes traveling across to Waikato University to participate in Open Day and holding special information evenings to ensure whānau are fully informed to support their children in deciding their preferred futures.

  • Things to Think About

    Conversation framework for those new to Kia Eke Panuku:

    • Every Māori student must be supported to plan their pathway through education so that they can achieve their aspirations and those of their parents, whānau, hapū, iwi and community.” (Ka Hikitia: Accelerating Success, p. 22). What is evident in this video about how this school supports Māori students and whānau to plan their learning pathways and achieve their aspirations? Who is involved?
    • Consider how early interactions with tertiary institutions contributes to ‘sowing the seeds’ for future pathways? What can you learn from this school’s approach about what else could happen in your school to realise Māori potential?

    Conversation Framework for Kia Eke Panuku schools:

    • Whānau are part of planning learning pathways for their tamariki mokopuna. What deliberate professional acts and strategic planning for engaging whānau are evident?
    • Anne talks about breaking down the barriers that exist for some whānau - ‘bring them in, make them feel welcome and answer their questions so that they know what’s going on”. Are we doing enough to ensure whanau “ know what’s going on” ? How do we know.
    • Daniel talks about the university visits and whānau hui as a way to raise both student and whānau expectations about what choices are available. What else could your school do? Who else in your school community could be involved in planning next steps?

    Conversation Framework for Kia Eke Panuku Strategic Change Leadership teams:

    • How does this video demonstrate the key elements of success for effective home-school partnerships highlighted on the website? What happens in your school? How do you know?
    • When talking about opportunities for whānau to fully engage in planning future learning pathways for Māori students Anne says: If they don’t understand, they shy off and they take off and you never see them again. But if you communicate to them, the way they need to hear it, you’ve broken that barrier, you’re home and hosed, they’ll be back, so that’s what tonight is all about. Consider what opportunities your school provides for whānau to fully engage in planning future learning pathways for Māori students. What is working? What is not working? How do you know? What are your next steps?
    • This is a clear example of all of the Critical Contexts for Learning working together. Consider the Ako: Critical Contexts for Learning model and ask yourselves; “What are further opportunities for this whanāu voice to be heard across all other contexts?”